Best 5 ChatGPT Prompts That Every UX Designer Needs

Sep 22, 2023

Sep 22, 2023

Sep 22, 2023


I'm sure you've already heard of ChatGPT, this new tool that designers and many other professionals are excited about.

ChatGPT can quickly provide you with ideas and feedback, saving you hours of brainstorming and trying things out. It's like talking about design with someone who knows a lot about it. Plus, its ability to help you come up with new ideas and different perspectives could open up a world of creative possibilities and give you an advantage when crafting user-centered designs.

So, why is ChatGPT becoming so popular among designers?

  • Instant Feedback: It's like sharing your work to a designer buddy and getting their opinion right away.

  • Diverse Perspectives: ChatGPT can generate a lot of ideas, so you can see things from different points of view.

  • Saves Time: You can get your creative work done faster.

  • Fresh Ideas: ChatGPT can suggest things you might not have thought of.

  • Error Reduction: Assist in identifying design elements that may lead to user errors.

  • Accessibility Compliance: Ensure designs comply with accessibility standards.

and the list can continue.

1. How to Use ChatGPT's Power in UX Design

The Unexplored Potential of ChatGPT in Design

So, we have this ChatGPT tool, right? But most of us are only getting a small taste. 

It can help with a lot of different parts of designing, not just giving feedback. Think of it like a Swiss Army knife for designers. It can be used in many different ways, some of which we haven't even thought of yet.

How ChatGPT is Making the UX Design Process Better

Remember when we used to draw, erase, and draw again, then maybe ask a coworker what they thought? With ChatGPT, it's like always having a design friend with you. It changes how we think about design by:

  • Giving Quick Ideas: Don't have anyone around and feel stuck? Talk to ChatGPT.

  • Helping with Decisions: Not sure about the layout or color? Get a second opinion.

  • Being Available Anytime: Design session late at night? No big deal. ChatGPT never goes to bed.

More Than Just a Second Opinion

ChatGPT isn’t just a passive observer; it’s an active participant in your design adventure. It nudges you to view your work from multiple angles, which is mandatory when crafting user-centered designs.

The Human Touch: Irreplaceable

ChatGPT is a wonder, but the human touch in design can't be replaced. Talking to real people and getting to know their experiences, their problems, and what makes them special is the best way to build a design that not only looks good but also works properly and deliver results.

Modern design is based on the relationship between using AI tools like ChatGPT and interacting with people. It's about combining ChatGPT skills and the emotional intelligence learned from user interactions in sync to create a design story that is both engaging and close to people needs.

And as you walk along this path, you're not just designing; you’re storytelling, problem-solving, and innovating. With ChatGPT by your side, each step is a leap towards design that truly resonates with people.

2. Innovative ChatGPT Prompts for UI/UX and Product Design

Design Feedback and Iteration: ChatGPT's Take

Have you ever wished you could bounce thoughts off of someone at any time? ChatGPT is the one in question. 

ChatGPT can give you feedback on a fresh layout, a choice of colors, or just a tweak to an existing design. And what's cool? It's not as simple as saying, "I like it" or "I don't like it." It's more "Have you thought about this?" or "Why don't you try that?"

ChatGPT's Approach to Product Design Challenges

Design problems can, well, be problems. But ChatGPT can be a great help in these situations.

If you're stuck on how to design a feature or how to make something more user-friendly, just ask. It will offer a way to solve the problem or even a new way to look at it.

Using ChatGPT Insights to Improve the User Experience

Design is all about how things work for people. And ChatGPT can give you tips on how to make this even better. It has a lot to share, from ways to make design easier, accessible to better ways to keep users interested.

3. SEO-driven ChatGPT Prompts for Better Design

Optimizing Design Content for Search Engines

When we think of SEO, we often think of content, keywords, and meta tags. But did you know the design also matters? ChatGPT can help connect design and search engine optimization (SEO). 

For example, if you're working on the layout of a website, ChatGPT can offer design features that look good and are also good for SEO. And if you want to know how AI fits into the world of design, check out this article that goes into great detail on the subject.

The Intersection of SEO and UX Design through ChatGPT

Both SEO and UX design are important. A site that is well-optimized should also be easy to use. ChatGPT can give you hints to make sure that your designs are both easy for people to use and easy for search engines to find. And if you want to learn more about how AI is changing UX design, you should read this piece on Medium.

4. 5 Must-Try ChatGPT Prompt Templates for Every UX Designer

Prompt 1: Background research on your target audience

Act as a seasoned user researcher with expertise in gathering and analyzing demographic data.

Conduct thorough background research to understand the habits, preferences, and needs of health-conscious millennials.

Your goal is to help a brand design a fitness app tailored specifically to this audience.

Please use only publicly available sources and present your findings beginning with a demographic overview, then detailed insights, and concluding with actionable suggestions.

Keep the tone objective and informative.


Act as [a desired role]. Conduct [a specific task, e.g., 'background research'] to understand [specific detail, e.g., 'preferences, habits, and needs'] of [target audience, e.g., 'health-conscious millennials']. 

Your goal is [end goal, e.g., 'to help a brand design a fitness app tailored specifically to this audience']. 

Please [constraints, e.g., 'use only publicly available sources'] and present your findings [format, e.g., 'beginning with a demographic overview, then detailed insights, and concluding with actionable suggestions'].

Keep the tone [desired tone, e.g., 'objective and informative'].

Prompt 2: Brainstorm questions to ask for your next interview

Act as a UX researcher with expertise in qualitative interviews.

Draft 10 open-ended questions for a user interview aimed at understanding user interactions and needs related to a popular photo-sharing app.

The company plans to introduce new features and wants genuine feedback.

Frame your questions in a neutral and encouraging manner, aiming to gain deep insights.


Act as [a desired role, e.g., 'a UX researcher'].

Draft [no. of questions, e.g., '10'] [type of questions, e.g., 'open-ended'] questions for [a specific task, e.g., 'a user interview'] aimed at understanding [specific detail, e.g., 'user interactions and needs related to a popular photo-sharing app'].

[Company's plan or scenario, e.g., 'The company plans to introduce new features and wants genuine feedback'].

Frame your questions in a [desired tone, e.g., 'neutral and encouraging manner'], aiming to [end goal, e.g., 'gain deep insights'].

Prompt 3: Brainstorm feature list for your product

Act as a senior UX designer skilled in feature brainstorming.

For a tech startup launching a sustainable lifestyle app, brainstorm a comprehensive list of features tailored for eco-conscious consumers.

Your features should be feasible and encourage sustainable habits.

Start with primary features, moving to secondary and tertiary ones, maintaining a constructive and innovative tone.


Act as [a desired role, e.g., 'a senior UX designer'].

For [a company or project, e.g., 'a tech startup launching a sustainable lifestyle app'], brainstorm [a specific task, e.g., 'a comprehensive list of features'] tailored for [target user group, e.g., 'eco-conscious consumers'].

Your [output or deliverable, e.g., 'features'] should [fulfill certain criteria, e.g., 'be feasible and encourage sustainable habits'].

Start with [format, e.g., 'primary features, moving to secondary and tertiary ones'], maintaining a [desired tone, e.g., 'constructive and innovative tone'].

Prompt 4: Improve UX writing

Act as a seasoned UX writer with a flair for refining product language.

Review and enhance the UX writing within a digital health platform based on feedback about confusion and lack of engagement.

While maintaining the original intent, provide clear and engaging revisions.

Present side-by-side comparisons of original and revised text, offering brief explanations for your changes.

Aim for clarity, conciseness, and a user-centric approach.

Here's the link you need to check and improve: [add link]


Act as [a desired role, e.g., 'a seasoned UX writer with a flair for refining product language'].

Review and enhance the UX writing within [a product or platform, e.g., 'a digital health platform'] based on feedback about [specific issues, e.g., 'confusion and lack of engagement'].

While maintaining the original intent, provide [desired style or approach, e.g., 'clear and engaging revisions'].

Present [presentation format, e.g., 'side-by-side comparisons of original and revised text'], offering brief explanations for your changes.

Aim for [desired outcomes or characteristics, e.g., 'clarity, conciseness, and a user-centric approach'].

Here's the link you need to check and improve: [add link]

Prompt 5: Create user flow and steps

Act as a UX architect specialized in creating intuitive user flows.

Design a streamlined user flow for an e-commerce platform's new return process, aiming to offer online shoppers a simplified and enhanced experience.

Ensure your flow encompasses essential steps like reason for return, method selection, and confirmation.

Present your flow in a step-by-step diagram or detailed outline, ensuring clarity and user-centricity.


Act as [a desired role, e.g., 'a UX architect specialized in creating intuitive user flows']. 

Design [a specific design task, e.g., 'a streamlined user flow'] for [a specific application or platform, e.g., 'an e-commerce platform's new return process'], aiming to offer [a targeted audience, e.g., 'online shoppers'] [a desired experience, e.g., 'a simplified and enhanced experience'].

Ensure your design encompasses essential steps like [key elements or steps, e.g., 'reason for return, method selection, and confirmation']. 

Present your work in [a presentation format, e.g., 'a step-by-step diagram or detailed outline'], ensuring [desired attributes, e.g., 'clarity and user-centricity'].

Click here if you want to get these prompt templates and craft your own prompts for your specific needs.


The Future of ChatGPT in UX Design

We've talked a lot about how ChatGPT can help UX designers, right? But where does it all lead?

 Well, it looks like things will go well! As AI keeps getting better, planning tools like ChatGPT will be even more important. Imagine a world where AI not only gives us feedback, but also works with us to come up with new ways to make things that we haven't even thought of. 

We're going in that way. And for designers, it means more chances to make things, come up with new ideas, and make a difference.

Want to know more about ChatGPT and design?

Get "ChatGPT for Designers" eBook.

See how AI can help you do more and be creative. It's important for designers to know ChatGPT in today's AI world.

The book is easy to read and use. If you don't like it, you can get your money back in 30 days.

Learn ChatGPT now for a better future in design!

ChatGPT for designers ebook in the middle, and sample pages on the left and right.

I'm ready to learn ChatGPT!

If there's one thing to take away from all of this, it's that ChatGPT is more than just a tool; it's a partner. 

ChatGPT can help you get better at design whether you're just starting out or have been doing it for a long time. 

So, why don't you try it? 

Explore the prompts, play around with it, and see how it can fit into your workflow. Also, keep in mind that the world of design is always changing, so keeping up-to-date and using new tools can make all the difference.

Additional Resources

It can be both exciting and stressful to dive into the world of AI and UX design. Here are some resources that will help you get through this journey by giving you better insights, tutorials, and case studies:

  1. ChatGPT in Design: This eBook gives a full look at how ChatGPT is becoming a tool that current designers can't live without.

  2. AI and UX Design: Interested in how AI is changing the design world? This Medium post looks at how AI and UX design work together and gives new ideas and examples.

  3. ChatGPT Official documentation: The official documentation is a great trove of information for people who want to learn more about the technical parts and powers of ChatGPT.

  4. The UX Design Institute: A great website with courses, webinars, and articles about the latest trends in UX design, including the role of AI.

  5. AI + Design Podcast: A series of dialogues with experts in the field who talk about how AI shapes design, the difficulties it causes, and what the future looks like.

Remember that UX design is an area that is always changing, so it's important to know about the latest tools and trends. You can use these tools as a starting point to learn more about AI and how to use it in the design process.

Just a quick note: more posts on this topic are coming soon, so don’t forget to drop by!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an AI tool that can understand and generate human-like text based on the prompts it receives. It's been gaining popularity in the UX design world for its ability to provide instant feedback, generate design ideas, and assist in various design tasks.

  1. Can ChatGPT help with UX design?

Yes, ChatGPT can assist with UX design in various ways. While it doesn't replace the expertise of a human UX designer, it can provide insights, suggestions, and feedback on UX concepts, principles, and best practices. You can also use ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas, review user flows, or get suggestions on improving user experience.

  1. How to use ChatGPT for UX design?

To use ChatGPT for UX design:

  • Ask Specific Questions: Start by asking specific questions about your design, such as "What are the best practices for designing a mobile navigation menu?" or "How can I improve the user flow for this checkout process?"

  • Share Design Details: You can describe your current design or user flow to ChatGPT and ask for feedback or suggestions for improvement.

  • Brainstorm Ideas: If you're stuck or need fresh ideas, you can brainstorm with ChatGPT by asking open-ended questions or seeking inspiration for specific design elements.

  • Learn and Educate: Use ChatGPT as a resource to learn about UX principles, trends, and methodologies. You can also ask for explanations or clarifications on specific UX topics.

  1. Can ChatGPT create wireframes?

ChatGPT cannot directly create visual wireframes. However, it can guide you through the process, provide feedback on existing wireframes, or suggest elements and layouts based on your requirements. If you describe a specific page or feature, ChatGPT can provide a textual representation or description of how the wireframe might be structured.

  1. How to create UI design in ChatGPT?

ChatGPT cannot create graphical UI designs directly. However, it can assist in the UI design process in the following ways:

  • Guidance and Best Practices: Ask ChatGPT about best practices for UI design, color schemes, typography choices, and more.

  • Feedback: Describe your current UI design or share details, and ChatGPT can provide feedback or suggestions for improvement.

  • Idea Generation: If you're looking for inspiration or ideas for specific UI elements, you can brainstorm with ChatGPT.

  • Resource Recommendations: ChatGPT can recommend tools, libraries, or resources that might be helpful in your UI design process.

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ChatGPT for designers ebook.

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Best 5 ChatGPT Prompts That Every UX Designer Needs