7 Things I’ve understood in my 30s that I wish I’d known in my 20

Mar 1, 2023

Mar 1, 2023


Six months ago I turned 30.

As my birthday was coming up, I took a moment to think about the past 10 years and the lessons I had learned.

When I think about my 20s, and how reckless I was, there are a few things that really stand out to me that I wish I had known.

Theres an old saying and it goes like this:

Sometimes in life, your situation will repeat until you learn your lesson.

Did life taught me something in the past 10 years?

Hell yeah!

So here are my 7 most valuable lessons that I wish I new before:

1. I wish I had learned about money earlier on

I didn’t save much during my 20s because I was mostly just trying to get by.

But when I hit my 30s, I realized how important it was to build financial security and stability.

It’s never too late to start learning about personal finance and investing, but the sooner you start, the better off you’ll be in the long run.

You can start by checking out Interactive Brokers, and learn how to invest monthly.

2. The importance of finding and developing my own style

In my 20s, I spent a lot of time trying to copy the styles of others, whether it was in my fashion sense or my creative work as a designer.

But as I entered my 30s, I started to realize that the most successful and fulfilled people are those who have developed their own unique voice and style.

So, take the time to find what makes you unique and own it.

3. The value of good listening skills and knowing when to speak up

In my 20s, I tended to either speak up too much or not speak up enough, neither of which were effective in building relationships or getting things done.

But as I entered my 30s, I learned the importance of finding a balance and knowing when to listen and when to speak up.

It’s a skill that takes time and practice, but it’s worth it.

4. To stop being a people pleaser

In my 20s, I tended to put a lot of pressure on myself to please everyone, which often left me feeling drained and burnt out.

You need to undestand, some people will like you, some don’t or other might just ignore you.

As I entered my 30s, I learned to prioritize my own happiness and well-being, and to let go of the need to constantly seek the approval of others.

It was a liberating realization.

5. The importance of taking care of my physical and mental health

In my 20s, I was so focused on work and other side hustles that I often neglected my own well-being.

But as I entered my 30s, I realized the importance of regular execises and meditation.

They not only improve my physical health, but also help me to manage stress and maintain a clear mind.

6. Time is limited. Use it wisely

Another lesson I learned was the value of time.

In my 20s, I often took for granted the limited amount of time we have in life and tended to waste it on things that didn’t matter.

But as I entered my 30s, I learned to prioritize my time and focus on the things that were most important to me.

It’s a lesson that has helped me to make the most of every day.

7. Consistency is more important than talent.

In my 20s, I often placed too much emphasis on talent and not enough on consistent hard work and dedication.

But as I entered my 30s, I realized that talent alone is not enough to succeed.

It’s the consistent effort and commitment to improvement that truly makes a difference.


As Nas said:

Life’s a b*tch and then you die, that’s why we get high, ‘Cause you never know when you’re gonna go.

But jokes aside, in my 30s, I learned a lot of important things that I wish I had known earlier in my life.

These include learning about money, finding my own style, being a good listener, taking care of myself, appreciating time, and knowing how important consistency is.

These lessons have helped me grow a lot as a person and as a professional, and I hope they can do the same for you.

It’s never too late to learn and grow, and we can build a fulfilling and successful life and career by actively looking for ways to improve ourselves.

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7 Things I’ve understood in my 30s that I wish I’d known in my 20

7 Things I’ve understood in my 30s that I wish I’d known in my 20