The Ultimate Guide to Notion Templates and Why You Should Use Them

Oct 8, 2023

Oct 8, 2023


Have you ever felt like you’re drowning in tasks, ideas, and notes? Well, you're not alone. 

In today's world, where there is a lot of information, it is important to organize it well. 

Notion is an all-in-one workspace that has changed the game for many people. 

But what makes Notion really stand out? Templates. 

They're the key to speeding up your process, and in this guide, we'll go into detail about Notion templates and why every UI/UX designer needs them.

We've got you covered on everything from community-driven freebies to handling your finances. 

Are you ready to boost your productivity? Let's get started!

The rise of Notion as a flexible tool for getting work done

Notion is more than just another app; it changes the way we work. Over the past few years, it has changed from a simple way to take notes to a tool that can be used for many different things. Notion can help you whether you're making a new design, planning a project, or just writing down thoughts.

Why, though, has Notion become so famous, especially with UI/UX designers?

Flexibility: Notion is like a blank canvas. It doesn't force you to work in a certain way. Instead, it gives you a lot of different building blocks, from simple text to complicated systems, that you can use to make a workspace that fits your needs.

Teamwork: Are you engaged in a project with others? Notion makes it easy to work as a team with tools like real-time edits and comments.

Integration: With a wide range of connections, from Figma to Google Calendar, Notion makes sure that all of your tools are in sync, which improves your process.

Templates: This is where all the magic happens. In Notion, templates are pre-made designs that you can use and change to fit your needs. They save a lot of time and show how powerful community-driven creation can be.

How and why templates can help speed up and simplify tasks

Imagine having to start from scratch on every project. Isn't that tiring? That's where templates come in. They're like shortcuts that help you get started on your tasks without having to begin from scratch.

For UI/UX designers, templates are invaluable. They provide:

Consistency: Make sure that all of your projects use the same design language and process.

Efficiency: No need to start from zero. With a template, you've already done half the work.

Learning: Looking at community-driven templates can give you new ideas and ways of doing things that you hadn't thought of before.

So, what is a Notion template exactly? 

Think of it as a pre-made layout in Notion that is made for a specific reason, like managing projects, keeping a log, or keeping track of habits. The beauty? They can be changed in any way you want, so you can make them just right.

Curious about the vast world of free Notion templates? Let's explore further. 

Did you know that members of the Notion community have made thousands of templates that cover almost any need you can think of? It shows how much can be done when people work together. Are you ready to check out some of the best free templates?

1. Why People like Free Notion Templates

Who doesn't like free stuff? Even more so when they can make you more productive and speed up your creative process. The community-driven templates on Notion are a goldmine of tools, and here's why many people love them:

The world of community-driven templates and why are they so popular:

Diversity of Ideas: With a global community contributing, you're exposed to a myriad of approaches, designs, and structures. It's like having a global meeting of ideas right at your hands.

Saves time: Why start from scratch if someone else may have already made something similar to what you want? Get a template, make some changes to it, and you're ready to go.

Learn from the Best: Some of the templates were made by people who are experts in their fields. By using their models, you learn in a roundabout way from their knowledge and experience.

Customizability: These templates aren't rigid. They are meant to give you a place to start. You can change them as much as you want to make them your own.

Bringing attention to some of the best free resources:

1. Notion Template Gallery: This is the official gallery from Notion, which has a lot of designs for different uses. They have everything, from style to education.

2. Reddit's Notion Community: A vibrant community where users share their custom templates, ask for feedback, and collaborate on new ideas.

3. Notion Pages: A dedicated website showcasing some of the best templates and setups from around the world.

4. Notion Market: It has paid designs, but it also has free gems that were made with care and imagination.

Check out our in-depth look at free Notion templates right here. (insert link to article here, not written yet)

Have you ever thought how some designers stay at the top of their game all year long? 

The secret might be in their calendar. Let's look at how the Notion calendar template can be your secret tool.

2. Organizing Your Year with the Notion Calendar

Calendars are more than just lists of dates; they show you how your time, tasks, and goals are set up. And with Notion, calendars aren't just static; they're also dynamic, engaging, and very flexible.

Advantages of using a Notion calendar template:

• Visual Clarity: With color-coded entries, drag-and-drop functionalities, and customizable views, you can have a clear snapshot of your month, week, or even year.

Integration with Tasks: No more switching between apps. With Notion, your calendar and to-do list can be in perfect harmony.

• Collaboration: Planning a team project? Make sure everyone is on the same page by sharing your calendar and giving out tasks.

• Reminders: Never miss a deadline again. With Notion's alerts, you'll never forget anything important.

Tips on customization and usage:

Use Icons and Emojis: Make your calendar entries pop with relevant icons or emojis. A small visible clue can help a lot.

• Filter Views: Do you only want to see certain tasks? Use settings to change how your calendar looks so that it only shows what's important.

Link to Other Pages: Make your calendar entries actionable. Connect them to the project pages, notes, or tools that they need.

Recurring Tasks: Set up recurring tasks for things you do often to make sure you don't forget them.

Here, you can find out more about how to use the power of the Notion calendar template. (insert link to article here, not written yet)

Budgeting and money may not be the most interesting things for a designer to talk about, but being good at them can make all the difference. 

Let's look at how Notion can change the way you handle your money.

3. Mastering Finances with Notion

Okay, let's talk about money. As a designer, you may need to keep track of accounts, tools, tasks, and even a team. It can be hard to keep track of your money, but with Notion, you don't have to.

Budgeting and managing money with the help of Notion:

Managing money is more than just keeping track of spending. It's about knowing how your money flows, making plans for the future, and making smart choices. 

Notion is a great tool for this because it can be used in many ways. Here's why:

  • All-in-One Dashboard: Imagine having all of your bills, payments, costs, and financial goals in one place. That's how Notion works.

  • Interactive Databases: With Notion's database feature, you can create tables, boards, or lists, making it easy to categorize and visualize your finances.

  • Templates to the Rescue: Don't know where to start? There are many finance and budget models made by the community that can help you get started with your finances.

Templates for budgets and finances:

1. Monthly Budget Planner: Keep track of your income, spending, and plans for saving. If you have a clear picture of your monthly expenses, you can make smart choices and avoid spending more than you need to.

2. Subscription Tracker: Subscriptions can add up in the digital age. Keep track of all the tools, services, and apps you use to make sure you're only paying for what you need.

3. Invoice Manager: Managing bills is very important if you do freelance design work or run a design business. With Notion, it's easy to keep track of funds, due dates, and client information.

4.Financial Goals Tracker: Whether you're saving up for a new design tool or planning a trip, setting and keeping track of your financial goals can be a great way to stay motivated and reach your goals.

If you want an all-in-one FREE finance template that encompasses all of this and more, check out Notion SMART Finance Tracker. You’ll love it!

*image with notion smart finance tracker here

Explore in-depth about Notion's budget and finance templates here.

How do you choose the best Notion template when there are so many to choose from? Let's make a list of the best templates that have changed the game for many people.

4. Top-Rated and Most Effective Templates

The best part of Notion is the people who use it. Designers, writers, business owners, and enthusiasts from all over the world have shared their templates, and some of them stand out. 

Here is a carefully chosen list of templates that have won praise:

1. Project Management Dashboard: A comprehensive template that covers every aspect of a project, from ideation to delivery. It is a popular choice among UI/UX designers.

2. Daily Journal: Reflect on your day, track your mood, and jot down ideas. This template is great for people who want to add some awareness to their daily lives.

3. Reading List: For the avid readers, this template helps categorize, track, and review books, articles, and papers.

4. Learning Dashboard: Perfect for designers looking to upskill. You can keep track of classes, tutorials, and tools to make sure you keep learning.

5. Client Onboarding: Streamline the process of bringing new clients onboard with this detailed template, covering everything from initial contact to project delivery.

Here, you can find out more about the best Notion templates. 

Journaling isn't just for writers. As a designer, reflecting on your work, ideas, and experiences can offer invaluable insights. Let's use Notion to start keeping a digital journal.

5. Journaling and Reflecting in Notion

It's easy to lose sight of the big picture when working on design projects. Journaling gives you a chance to stop, think, come up with ideas, and grow. And with Notion, it's not just words; it's a multi-media experience.

The pros of keeping a digital journal:

• Accessibility: With Notion's cloud-based platform, your journal is accessible anywhere, anytime. Your thoughts are just a tap away on your computer, tablet, or phone.

• Multimedia Integration: Add sketches, mood boards, voice notes, or even videos to your journal entries. It's a complete look back at your day.

Structure templates: Don't know where to start? The journal templates in Notion give you an organized way to write down your thoughts, making it easy to remember the most important parts of your day.

• Privacy: Your thoughts stay private and safe with password security and encryption.

How to best utilize Notion's journal template:

1. Daily Reflections: Take a few minutes at the end of the day to write down what went well, what was hard, and what you learned. Over time, you'll notice trends, growth, and places where you can make things better.

2. Idea Repository: As a designer, inspiration can strike anytime. Use your Notion journal as a place to write down these ideas so they don't get lost in the day-to-day routine.

3. Mood Tracker: Keep track of your moods in your notebook. Over time, you'll learn what affects your mood, which will help you make a setting that's good for creation.

4. Embeds and Links: Add other Notion pages or links to other websites that are important to your thoughts. It could be something like a design you liked, a piece you read, or comments you got.

Learn more about how to keep a journal in Notion here. (insert link to article here, not written yet)

Tasks, tasks, and more tasks! As a designer, your to-do list can be overwhelming. But what if there was a way to make managing tasks not only effective but also fun? Let's dig into the task management world of Notion.

6. Task Management with Notion

Gone are the days of sticky notes and scattered to-do lists. With Notion, managing tasks is more visible, more engaging, and more integrated.

Organizing to-do lists, projects, and tasks efficiently:

• Hierarchical Structure: Break projects down into tasks, subtasks, and even microtasks. With Notion's stacked pages, you can get into the smallest details and make sure nothing gets missed.

• Visual Boards: Move beyond linear lists. With Notion's board view, you can sort tasks by stages, priority, or any other factor that fits your workflow.

• Integrations: Link your tasks to the right tools, like a design file, an email from a client, or a paper with feedback. You can find everything you need in one place.

Collaboration: Give out tasks, set due dates, and work together in real time. With Notion, group projects are more like a coordinated dance than a jumbled mess.

Taking a look at how templates can help with daily productivity:

1. Daily Planner: Start your day with clarity. Make a list of things you need to do, decide what's most important, and even add your calendar to get a full picture of your day.

2. Project Roadmap: A roadmap gives a big-picture view of goals, responsibilities, and dates for bigger projects.

3.Feedback Tracker: Feedback is gold for a creator. Use Notion to keep track of feedback from clients, team members, or users and act on it.

4. Resource Hub: A place where all of your creative tools, images, and ideas can be found in one place. Link it to tasks that need it for easy access.

Discover more about mastering task management with Notion here. (insert link to article here, not written yet)

Habits make or break success. Aristotle said, "We are what we repeatedly do." Let's look at how Notion can help you build habits and track your progress.

7. Building Habits and Tracking Growth with Notion

Habits are what make people successful. Consistent habits can help you reach new heights, whether it's drawing every day, learning a new design tool, or just taking a break to relax. With Notion, tracking habits is more than just checking off boxes; it's a way to learn about yourself and grow.

The significance of habit tracking and planning in personal growth:

• Consistency is Key: Tracking habits ensures consistency, and as they say, consistency trumps intensity. Small things done every day add up to big changes over time.

• Self-awareness: When you keep track of your habits, you learn about your patterns, your skills, and the places where you need to work on yourself. It shows what you do every day.

Motivation: Keeping a run going is a special way to feel good about yourself. Seeing how far you've come in Notion can be a great way to keep going.

• Flexibility: Life isn't always what you expect. With Notion, you can change, adapt, and re-align your habits as your goals and situations change.

Detailed look at relevant Notion templates:

1. Habit Tracker: A easy but strong template for keeping track of daily habits. Make it your own by adding habits that are important to you, and then watch your runs grow.

2. Weekly Reflection: Pair your habit tracker with a weekly reflection. Think about what went well and what was hard, and make plans for the next week.

3. Learning Path: As a creator, it's important to keep learning. Set up a road to learning with tools, goals, and ways to track your progress.

4. Mental Well-being Journal: In the midst of deadlines and projects, mental well-being can take a backseat. Use this template to check in with yourself, write down how you're feeling, and practice being thankful.

5. Fitness and Health Tracker: A creative mind needs a fit body. Track your workouts, meals, and health measurements to make sure you're always at your best.

Explore in-depth about building habits and tracking growth with Notion here. (insert link to article here, not written yet)

Goals tell us what to do and how to do it. But setting goals is only the first step. The magic happens when you track, evaluate, and change. Let's dive into how Notion can be your compass in this journey.

8. Setting and Tracking Goals in Notion

Goals are the lighthouses guiding us through the vast ocean of possibilities. Whether it's mastering a new design software, landing a dream project, or expanding your skillset, goals give purpose to our actions. With Notion, goal setting becomes a dynamic, interactive, and insightful process.

A guide to efficient goal setting:

1. SMART Goals: Ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework ensures clarity and feasibility.

2. Break it Down: A goal without a plan is just a wish. Break down your goals into actionable steps, ensuring consistent progress.

3. Visualize: Use Notion's board view to visualize your goals based on stages or priorities. A visual representation can be a powerful motivator.

4. Review and Reflect: Regularly review your goals, assess your progress, and adapt as needed. It's about the journey as much as the destination.

How Notion's goal template can be instrumental:

Goal Dashboard: A centralized space for all your goals, big or small. Integrate resources, plans, and progress trackers for a holistic view.

Milestone Tracker: For larger goals, set milestones to celebrate small wins along the way. It keeps the momentum going.

Resource Hub: Link relevant resources, courses, or inspirations to your goals, ensuring you have everything you need at your fingertips.

Collaboration: If your goals involve a team or a mentor, use Notion's collaboration features to share, get feedback, and co-create.

Discover more about setting and tracking goals efficiently with Notion here. (insert link to article here, not written yet)

Aesthetics isn't just about visuals; it's about the experience. Let's delve into how aesthetics and personalization play a pivotal role in Notion templates.

9. Aesthetics and Personalization in Notion Templates

Designers have an innate appreciation for aesthetics. It's not just about how something looks; it's also about how it feels, how it works, and the feeling it gives. Notion is a clean canvas at its core, but with a few tweaks, it can be turned into a digital workspace that is not only useful but also fun to use.

The importance of aesthetics in digital organization tools:

  • Better user experience: A well-organized and aesthetically pleasing workspace can make tasks more enjoyable and reduce mental load.

  • Motivation Boost: Let's be honest; we're more likely to use a tool that looks good. The way something looks can be a trigger that makes people use it more often.

  • Personal Touch: Personalizing your Notion workspace adds a touch of 'you' to it, making it truly your own digital space.

  • Better productivity: A clean, well-organized, and visually pleasing workspace can make it easier to focus and reduce distractions, which can lead to more work getting done.

How to get the look you want with Notion:

1. Themes and Colors: Start with a group of colors that you like. You can change the color of text, borders, and more in Notion.

2. Icons and Images: Put icons in your headers, on your pages, and in your files. They not only make the site look better, but they also give visual clues that make it easy to get around.

3. Fonts: Notion doesn't let you use your own fonts, but you can play around with sizes, weights, and styles to build a typographic order.

4. Templates with Flair: The community has created a plethora of aesthetically pleasing templates. There's something for everyone, whether you like simple things, dark things, or bright colors.

5. Embeds: Add content like movies, GIFs, or interactive charts to your pages to make them more interesting.

6. Consistency: Just like in design, consistency is key. Keep the look of each page the same for a cohesive feel.

Explore the world of aesthetics in Notion templates here. (insert link to article here, not written yet)


Notion templates are more than just organizational tools; they're gateways to enhanced productivity, streamlined workflows, and personal growth. As a UI/UX designer, using these templates to their full potential can help you design better by giving you ideas, tools, and patterns that fit your needs.

The great thing about Notion is how flexible it is and how the community is always coming up with new ideas, sharing them, and making it better. No matter how experienced you are with Notion, there's always something new to learn, adjust, and make.

As we look ahead, we can see that Notion and template-driven efficiency have a lot of promise. So, jump in, look around, and let Notion be the wind that makes your idea fly.

Check out the SMART productivity template here and embark on a journey of organized creativity.

*image with smart productivity template

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a Notion template?

A Notion template is a pre-designed layout in Notion, tailored for a specific purpose. It offers a structured way to start a task, ensuring efficiency and consistency.

2. How do I customize a Notion template?

Notion templates are fully customizable. You can add, delete, or modify elements, change colors, fonts, and integrate multimedia to make it truly yours.

3. Are there any free Notion templates available?

Absolutely! The Notion community is vibrant and generous. There are numerous free templates available, catering to a wide range of needs, from design to education.

4. How can Notion templates enhance my design workflow?

Notion templates offer structure, resources, and integrations that can streamline your design process, from ideation to delivery. They ensure consistency, enhance collaboration, and offer insights to improve continuously.

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The Ultimate Guide to Notion Templates and Why You Should Use Them

The Ultimate Guide to Notion Templates and Why You Should Use Them