7 Simple ChatGPT commands you need to know as a designer

Apr 8, 2023

Apr 8, 2023

Apr 8, 2023


As a designer, you know that your toolkit is crucial. It’s not just about the software you use or the pencils you sketch with — it’s also about the mental tools and processes that you use to make your work shine.

In the world of AI-enhanced design, ChatGPT has emerged as a powerful ally, and today we’re going to dive into some simple commands that can drastically improve your workflow.

But first, why should you care?

Mastering commands in ChatGPT can provide a variety of benefits for you as a designer. Here are the top 5 reasons:

1. Communicate better:

Using specific commands can facilitate clear, efficient communication. Whether you’re dealing with clients, colleagues, or stakeholders, mastering these commands can help you articulate your design thoughts and ideas more effectively.

2. Spark your creativity:

These commands can stimulate your creativity by offering new possibilities, pushing you to think outside the box, and challenging your assumptions. It’s like having a brainstorming partner who’s ready to help 24/7!

3. Take informed decisions:

By using commands like “Cite Source,” you can establish yourself as a knowledgeable and credible designer. When you back your decisions with credible references, it instills confidence in your clients and stakeholders about your expertise, and it also helps you verify if the output generated by ChatGPT is reliable or not.

4. Enhance your problem-solving mindset:

With commands that allow you to reverse engineer or evaluate the impact of design changes, you can develop a more analytical and problem-solving mindset. This can help you tackle design challenges more efficiently and effectively.

5. Less Dependency:

By mastering these commands, you reduce your dependency on other team members or mentors for design input. You can generate ideas, find gaps, and understand impacts all on your own.

Benefit No. 5 disclaimer!

Let’s get one thing straight: it’s still super valuable to get feedback from your team and mentors when you can. Real people feedback? Priceless. But if they’re tied up or it’s the middle of the night and you’re burning the midnight oil, these commands are there to make sure you can keep rolling on your own.

Are you ready? Let’s get it!

1. In simple terms

As a designer, you’ll often need to explain complex design principles in a way that clients, colleagues, or stakeholders who aren’t design savvy can easily understand. That’s where the “In Simple Terms” command comes in. It turns your technical design language into a straightforward explanation.

Example: “Explain the concept of responsive design in simple terms.”

2. Brainstorm

Creativity can sometimes be elusive. If you’re feeling stuck or need some fresh ideas, the “Brainstorm” command can generate a multitude of potential design solutions. This can invigorate your design process and help push boundaries.


“Brainstorm ways to improve the onboarding experience for new users in a budgeting app.”

3. Reverse engineer

Reverse engineering can help dissect the brilliance behind successful designs. It breaks down the components and underlying logic, enabling you to learn and incorporate the elements into your work.


“Reverse engineer the user experience of a popular e-commerce mobile app, breaking down its core components and design principles.”

4. Identify gaps

Perfection is a moving target. Even a well-thought-out design may have blind spots. The “Identify Gaps” command helps you spot missing or incomplete elements in your design or concept, providing room for further improvement.


“Identify gaps in the user experience of an online learning platform.”

5. Evaluate impact

Every design decision can have a ripple effect. Understanding the potential consequences is critical. The “Evaluate Impact” command assists in assessing the effects of design changes, helping you make informed, user-centric decisions.


“Evaluate the impact of removing the social media sharing buttons from a blog website.”

6. Elaborate

Gaining a deeper understanding of a concept or design principle is crucial for mastery. The “Elaborate” command provides more detail or explanation about a particular subject.


“Elaborate on the principles of mobile-first design and why it is important in today’s digital landscape.”

7. Cite source

To ensure the credibility of your research and maintain a high standard of work, the “Cite Source” command enables you to provide references for the information you provide.


“Cite sources discussing the impact of color psychology on user experience design.”

Install the ChatGPT WebSearch Chrome Extension to successfully cite sources. It augments your ChatGPT prompts with relevant results from the web.

And don’t forget to turn it on!

Want to discover additional ChatGPT commands?

You’re in the right place. I’ve got just the book for you: “ChatGPT for Designers: Everything You Need to Know About Parameters and Prompts”.

This book is your definitive guide to mastering ChatGPT as a designer. It demystifies the core functionalities of the tool and dives into practical ways to optimize its performance with the help of parameters.

But it doesn’t stop there; you also learn the art of structuring and crafting effective prompts that get you the results you're specifically looking for.

ChatGPT for designers ebook in the middle, and sample pages on the left and right.

But wait, there’s more!

The book comes with 60+ ready-to-use prompts and templates. It’s like having a ChatGPT whisperer right in your pocket. Plus, it is loaded with resources for further reading and exploring this fascinating field.

Grab your copy now and start supercharging your design work with the power of ChatGPT!

In conclusion, embracing AI and particularly ChatGPT, is no longer a futuristic concept but a practical tool you can wield to enhance your design process today. As a designer, these 7 commands we’ve explored are just the tip of the iceberg.

Designing with ChatGPT is not just about using an AI. It’s about unlocking new ways to be creative, to communicate, and to analyze.

As you delve deeper into using ChatGPT in your practice, you will find your own commands, your own methods, and your own voice.

So dive in, start experimenting, and let’s build the future of design together.

ChatGPT for Designers: Everything You Need to Know About Parameters and Prompts

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7 Simple ChatGPT commands you need to know as a designer