How to Use ChatGPT with 7 Prompt Structures (FREE)

Sep 5, 2023

Sep 5, 2023

Sep 5, 2023


Are you tired of generic ChatGPT replies? You're not alone.

The key to dynamic, precise, and tailored results with ChatGPT lies in mastering prompt engineering.

Read this article to learn how to change the way you work with ChatGPT to make it more dynamic, accurate, and in line with your design goals.

By using prompt structures in your ChatGPT conversations, you gain more:

→ Clarity:

Articulate your thoughts systematically.

→ Precision:

Like a GPS, structures guide the conversation to generate exact responses.

→ Efficiency:

Get comprehensive responses faster.

→ Control:

Be the chat captain! Steer the conversation exactly where you want it.

Now, a quick note from my personal journey:

I've put all my knowledge and experience into this book called "ChatGPT for Designers: Everything You Need to Know About Parameters and Prompts."

This ChatGPT book is more than a tool—it's a testament to the transformative power of effective prompt engineering.

Dig in to learn how to navigate around the AI world, making sure you get the ChatGPT answers you want, create personalized user experiences, and make the most of this AI tool.

Ready to learn prompt engineering and elevate your design game?

Get your copy here

Now, let’s start with the seven prompt structures:

1. SCET: Situation, Complication, Expectation, Task

Helps you form complex problem-solving queries.


→ Situation: I'm designing a mobile app for a local bookstore.

→ Complication: User feedback indicates that the checkout process is cumbersome due to too many steps.

→ Expectation: I want to streamline the checkout process while retaining all necessary information.

→ Task: Could you suggest UX improvements for a smooth checkout?

Final Prompt:

I'm designing a mobile app for a local bookstore, and user feedback indicates the checkout process is cumbersome due to too many steps. I want to streamline this. Could you suggest UX improvements for a smooth checkout?

2. PECRA: Purpose, Expectation, Context, Request, Action

Useful for instructional or directive conversations.


→ Purpose: I'm trying to create an engaging onboarding experience for a language learning app.

→ Expectation: I need ideas that will introduce the app's features while making learning fun.

→ Context: The app uses AI for personalized language lessons.

→ Request: Please suggest creative onboarding UX ideas.

→ Action: Start by explaining the reasoning behind each idea.

Final Prompt:

I'm trying to create an engaging onboarding experience for a language learning app that uses AI for personalized language lessons. Please suggest creative onboarding UX ideas and explain the reasoning behind each.

3. TREF: Task, Requirement, Expectation, Format

Specifically ask for information in the desired format.


→ Task: I need to design a form for a digital marketing agency's contact page.

→ Requirement: It should be GDPR-compliant and have a friendly UX.

→ Expectation: I want it to be appealing and user-friendly while fulfilling legal requirements.

→ Format: Could you provide a step-by-step guide on designing such a form?

Final Prompt:

I need to design a GDPR-compliant, user-friendly form for a digital marketing agency's

contact page. Could you provide a step-by-step guide on designing such a form?

4. GRADE: Goal, Request, Action, Detail, Examples

Great for problem-solving or instructional queries with provided examples.


→ Goal: I want to create a UX design for a visually impaired-friendly reading app.

→ Request: Could you suggest some best practices to ensure accessibility in my design?

→ Action: Begin by explaining why each practice is important.

→ Detail: Discuss how each practice enhances the user experience.

→ Examples: Include examples of successful accessibility design in reading apps.

Final Prompt:

I want to create a UX design for a visually impaired-friendly reading app. Could you suggest some best practices to ensure accessibility in my design, explain why each practice is important and how each enhances the user experience, and include examples of successful designs in similar apps.

5. ROSES: Role, Objective, Scenario, Expected Solution, Steps

Good for step-by-step instructions or complex problem-solving queries.


→ Role: As a UX designer,

→ Objective: I want to improve the loading time of an art gallery website.

→ Scenario: The website is image-heavy due to showcasing high-resolution artwork.

→ Expected Solution: How can I optimize images or use other techniques to improve the loading time?

→ Steps: Please explain the process in a step-by-step manner.

Final Prompt:

As a UX designer, I want to improve the loading time of an art gallery website, which is image-heavy due to showcasing high-resolution artwork. How can I optimize images or use other techniques to improve the loading time? Please explain the process in a step-by-step manner.

6. DIREC: Definition, Intent, Request, Example, Clarification

Useful for queries that require definitions and clarifications.


→ Definition: What is a hamburger menu in terms of UX design?

→ Intent: I'm considering it for a responsive e-commerce website design.

→ Request: Could you tell me the pros and cons of e-commerce websites specifically?

→ Example: Please provide examples of e-commerce websites that effectively use the hamburger menu.

→ Clarification: How does it impact user navigation in an e-commerce context?

Final Prompt:

What is a hamburger menu in terms of UX design? I'm considering it for a responsive e-commerce website design. Could you tell me its pros and cons for e-commerce websites specifically, provide examples of such websites that effectively use the hamburger menu, and clarify how it impacts user navigation in this context?

7. ARCSE: Audience, Request, Context, Solution, Examples

Perfect for providing explanations or solutions for a specific audience.


→ Audience: For an older demographic not familiar with advanced technology,

→ Request: How should I design the UX of a healthcare app to track their medications?

→ Context: The app needs to be extremely user-friendly and intuitive.

→ Solution: Could you suggest UX features to ensure ease of use?

→ Examples: Please provide examples of similar successful designs.

Final Prompt:

For an older demographic not familiar with advanced technology, how should I design the UX of a healthcare app to track their medications, which needs to be extremely user-friendly and intuitive? Could you suggest UX features to ensure ease of use and provide examples of similar successful designs?

Let’s Recap:

  1. SCET: Situation, Complication, Expectation, Task

Helps you form complex problem-solving queries.

  1. PECRA: Purpose, Expectation, Context, Request, Action

Useful for instructional or directive conversations.

  1. TREF: Task, Requirement, Expectation, Format

Specifically ask for information in the desired format.

  1. GRADE: Goal, Request, Action, Detail, Examples

Great for problem-solving or instructional queries with provided examples.

  1. ROSES: Role, Objective, Scenario, Expected Solution, Steps

Good for step-by-step instructions or complex problem-solving queries.

  1. DIREC: Definition, Intent, Request, Example, Clarification

Useful for queries that require definitions and clarifications.

  1. ARCSE: Audience, Request, Context, Solution, Examples

Perfect for providing explanations or solutions for a specific audience.

Want to leverage ChatGPT as a designer?

Steal all my secrets and discover how to (actually) use ChatGPT to its full potential.

Get your copy here


In the world of UX design, precision, speed, and innovation are the most important things.

As I showed you in this article, prompt engineering with ChatGPT can be a game-changer, giving designers like you a powerful tool to reach these goals.

By understanding and applying the seven prompt structures, you can make ChatGPT fit your exact needs and make sure that each conversation is clear, precise, and under your control.

Just a quick note: more posts on this topic are coming soon, so don’t forget to drop by!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question mark cards levitating in the middle of a forest.
  1. Who designed ChatGPT?

OpenAI was the creator of ChatGPT.

  1. How does ChatGPT work?

ChatGPT operates based on a machine learning model called GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformers). It's trained on vast amounts of text data and can generate human-like text based on the patterns it has learned.

  1. Can I see my history of threads?

Yes, you can see and continue your past conversations.

  1. Are all ChatGPT results accurate, and can we trust all ChatGPT responses?

While ChatGPT aims to provide accurate and reliable information, it's not infallible. You should always verify critical information from trusted sources.

  1. Who can view my conversations?

ChatGPT uses conversations to improve and fix issues. AI experts might check out these chats. You can choose not to help with training. If you do, ChatGPT will only check for misuse.

  1. What are the risks of using ChatGPT at work?

Using ChatGPT at work can pose risks if sensitive information is shared. Additionally, relying solely on ChatGPT for critical decisions without verification can lead to inaccuracies.

  1. Why did ChatGPT give me an answer that isn't relevant?

ChatGPT generates responses based on patterns in the data it was trained on. Sometimes, it might misinterpret a query or provide an answer that isn't perfectly aligned with your intent.

  1. Is ChatGPT safe to use?

ChatGPT is designed to be safe for general use. However, you should avoid sharing personal or sensitive information.

  1. Is ChatGPT free or open for common users?

OpenAI offers both free and subscription-based access to ChatGPT. The specifics of access and usage might vary, so I recommend you check OpenAI's official website for the latest information.

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How to Use ChatGPT with 7 Prompt Structures (FREE)