How to Use ChatGPT: A 10-Step Prompt Engineering Guide

Sep 7, 2023

Sep 7, 2023

Sep 7, 2023


Navigating the world of AI can be discouraging at times. You've probably found yourself wondering, "How do I use ChatGPT effectively?" or "What's the secret to crafting the perfect prompt?"

You're not alone.

The solution? A structured approach to prompt engineering. And guess what? We've cracked the code.

With our 10-step guide, you'll master the art of ChatGPT prompt engineering in no time.

This article will guide you through the only ChatGPT prompt formula you'll ever need, ensuring you get the most out of this incredible AI.

Whether you're a seasoned AI enthusiast or just starting out, this guide is for you.

The Role of Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the art and science of crafting effective prompts for AI models like ChatGPT. It's not just about asking a question; it's about setting the stage for the AI to deliver the best possible answer.

By understanding how to use ChatGPT and the intricacies of prompt engineering, you can harness the full power of OpenAI's technology.

Step 1: Set the Role

Understand the perspective you want from the answer.

Order: Sets the foundation for the entire response.

Mandatory? Optional but recommended for expertise tasks.


Act as a senior UX designer with expertise in crafting high-converting landing pages for content creators.

Step 2: Define the Task

Defines the main action or outcome.

Order: Set after roles for clear direction.

Mandatory? Yes. A clear task is essential.


Design a compelling landing page for a LinkedIn content creator (ghostwriter) promoting his new Circle paid community membership.

Step 3: Identify the Audience

Recognize who you’re targeting.

Order: Define the audience after setting the task.

Mandatory? Optional, but enhances relevance.


The target audience is LinkedIn users focusing on enhancing their writing skills and anyone seeking quality content or ghostwriting services.

Step 4: Set the Scenario

Offer context and background for more complex responses.

Order: Set before diving into specifics.

Mandatory? Optional, but enriches the response.


The ghostwriter has established a name on LinkedIn by producing quality posts and articles and now wants to offer exclusive content, group mentorship, and discussions in a paid community.

Step 5: Provide Examples

Give tangible direction to guide the model’s output.

Order: Set after the scenario for comparison.

Mandatory? Optional, but guides output.


Merge the minimalist aesthetics of Medium with the exclusivity vibe of MasterClass.

Step 6: Outline Constraints

Outline any limitations.

Order: Define after examples.

Mandatory? Optional, but crucial for setting specific boundaries.


The landing page must include a clear CTA, testimonials, and a preview of what's inside the community.

Step 7: Suggest Solutions

Suggest the desired methods for the task.

Order: After constraints.

Mandatory? Optional, but beneficial when a specific approach is desired.


Implement the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) principle in the design layout.

Step 8: Decide the Format

Decide on the style of language that connects with the audience.

Order: Guide the final output.

Mandatory? Optional, but key for structured tasks.


Begin with a catchy headline, followed by a brief introduction, the benefits of joining the community, testimonials, and finally, the CTA.

Step 9: Choose the Tone

Decide on the style of language that connects with the audience.

Order: Set tone after format to harmonize the message's feel with its structure.

Mandatory? Optional, but it shapes audience connection.


Use persuasive language that speaks to the value and exclusivity of the community. Professional yet enticing.

Step 10: Establish the Goal

Sets desired outcomes.

Order: End with goals for clarity.

Mandatory? Optional, but good for measurable tasks.


Aim for at least a 10% conversion rate from visitors to community members within the first month.

Template to use

1. Role and Expertise:

Act as a [define the specific role or profession] with expertise in [mention any special expertise required].

2. Main Task/Objective:

[Clearly describe what you want the model to accomplish or produce.]

3. Intended Audience:

The target audience is [specific group] focusing on [specific needs or interests].

4. Background/Scenario:

[Provide relevant context or backstory that can influence the response.]

5. Examples:

[Offer any examples or comparisons that can guide the model's direction.]

6. Constraints:

The output must include [elements such as a CTA, testimonials, etc.]

7. Preferred Solutions:

[If relevant, provide the principles or methods you want the model to follow.]

8. Format:

Start with [a specific element], followed by [subsequent elements in sequence].

9. Tone and Language:

Use [a specific type of] language that underscores [specific qualities]. Keep the tone [specific tone].

10. Goal:

Aim for [a specific, measurable outcome].

Copy and paste here:

Act as a [Define the specific role or profession] with expertise in [mention any special expertise required].

[Clearly describe what you want the model to accomplish or produce.] Target audience is [specific group] focusing on [specific needs or interests].

[Provide relevant context or backstory that can influence the response.] [Offer any examples or comparisons that can guide the model's direction.]

The output must include [elements such as a CTA, testimonials, etc.] [If relevant, provide principles or methods you want the model to follow.] Start with [a specific element], followed by [subsequent elements in sequence].

Use [specific type of] language that underscores [specific qualities]. Keep the tone [specific tone]. Aim for [specific measurable outcome].


It's not necessary to include all 10 building blocks in every prompt.

Depending on your specific needs and context, you can choose to utilize only the elements that best serve your objective.

Always prioritize clarity and relevance when crafting your prompts.

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Why Prompt Engineering Matters

In the vast realm of AI, precision is key.

The difference between a good prompt and a great one can be the difference between a generic response and one that's tailored to your exact needs.

This formula ensures that you're always on the right track. By following this guide, you're not just learning how to use ChatGPT; you're mastering the art of prompt engineering.

Moreover, as AI continues to play a more significant role in various industries, understanding prompt engineering becomes even more crucial.

Whether you're looking to leverage ChatGPT for design, content creation, or any other domain, this formula acts as your compass, guiding you to desired outcomes.


The world of AI is vast and filled with possibilities. With tools like ChatGPT at our disposal, the sky's the limit.

However, to truly harness its potential, understanding the art of prompt engineering is essential. This 10-step guide provides you with a comprehensive formula, ensuring that every interaction with ChatGPT is optimized for success.

Remember, it's not just about asking; it's about asking right.

Dive deep, experiment, and let the power of ChatGPT transform your projects.

Just a quick note: more posts on this topic are coming soon, so don’t forget to drop by!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question mark cards levitating in the middle of a forest.
  1. What is the meaning of prompt engineering?

Prompt engineering refers to the process of designing and refining prompts to effectively communicate with and extract desired responses from machine learning models, especially language models like GPT-4.

It involves understanding the nuances of how a model responds to different inputs and crafting prompts that guide the model to produce the most accurate and relevant outputs.

  1. Is prompt engineering coding?

Not necessarily. While some aspects of prompt engineering may involve coding, especially when integrating a model into an application, the core of prompt engineering is more about understanding the behavior of the model and crafting effective prompts. It's a blend of linguistic understanding, user experience design, and technical knowledge.

  1. Is prompt engineering easy?

The difficulty of prompt engineering can vary. For basic tasks, crafting a simple prompt might be straightforward. However, for more complex tasks or to achieve highly specific outputs, it can be challenging. It requires a deep understanding of the model's behavior, iterative testing, and refinement.

  1. Can anyone learn prompt engineering?

Yes, anyone with an interest in language models and their applications can learn prompt engineering. While having a background in linguistics, machine learning, or user experience design can be beneficial, it's not strictly necessary. With the right resources and practice, most people can develop proficiency in prompt engineering.

  1. Is prompt engineering worth it?

Absolutely. As language models become more prevalent in various applications, the ability to effectively communicate with them and extract desired responses becomes crucial. Prompt engineering ensures that users get the most out of these models, making them more useful and efficient in real-world scenarios.

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How to Use ChatGPT: A 10-Step Prompt Engineering Guide